Curriculum Connection

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis - Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Breadwinner

The Breadwinner (2000) by Deborah Ellis. 170 pages.
ISBN: 0-88899-419-2

In Afghanistan, the Taliban ordered females to stay inside their homes. Women had to leave their jobs, girls couldn't go to school. Parvana had to leave sixth grade.
Parvana lived with her parents and three siblings in a single-room apartment. They were forced to move several times after their homes were bombed. Parvana helped her father walk to the market each day; he had lost part of his leg from a bomb. At the market, Father would read and write letters, as many Afghans were illiterate.

One evening, soldiers burst into their home and arrested Father, for being an academic. Running out of food, the family needs Parvana to disguise herself as a boy and work in the market. The family relies on her for survival.

Parvana meets another girl dressed as a boy who convinces her to dig up bones for more money. They witness horrible punishments imposed on theives. A friend comes to live with the family, secretely starting a magazine with Mother and a school. When her sister Nooria is sent to Mazar to be married, Mother goes with her. Parvana gets word that the Taliban is invading Mazar and is unsure if they are safe.

Throughout the story, we see how peoples' kindness, friendship, and the love of family provides sustenance and hope. Heroines prevail in this story addressing serious issues of oppression, female sexism, war and injustice. In interesting glimpse into Afghan life for 12 to 14 year olds.

Webquest activity for the book.
Glossary of Terms in The Breadwinner
Interview with Deborah Ellis, the author.

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